Commentary on local, state and national politics


Defend Yourself, Mr. President

We in the heartland, if not yet doubting, are becoming, pessimistic, even depressed.

You sit in seeming isolation. We are subjected to the relentless assault of 24 hour news.

Times have changed. In the past it may have been possible to govern and let the results speak for themselves.

But today, results are what we hear in the latest news cycle and you have left that to the Democrats.

You have one television news outlet that is sympathetic to you and that is Fox News. The rest are actively hostile.

But even Fox News is news hungry. When a station broadcasts 24 hours a day, it gets information where it can.

The Democrats are providing a drumbeat of coordinated criticism of your policies.

Take the economy, for example. It is humming along at an incredible pace, spurred by your tax cuts.

Yet, polls give you no credit. One even gets the impression that tax cuts are evil.

Somehow they cause poverty.

All we hear about is that spending by the government is out of control.

Suggestion: Veto some of the more outrageous spending bills. Hurt the feelings of your Democratic “partners” or your Republican “friends.”

Then tell us about it. Shout it to the rooftops.

The world of news has changed. Internet blogs spew out information and disinformation.

You have to be aggressive. Control the news cycle. Even the elite media will carry your arguments if you will make them.

And your friends will certainly broadcast them.

Force them to respond to you.

Exert leadership.

And don’t just do it in front of the military.

Go out into the red part of the country and make your case.

You did it during your campaign and did it well.

Unfortunately, you must campaign all year round or we will only hear of your mistakes or the view point of your opponents.

Clean house if you have to. Reenergize your administration and your supporters.

Do it soon.


Blogger said...

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9:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew, Thank you so much for this.
I agree wholeheartedly. I do think our President has finally said some things we needed to hear.

8:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

263 tons of 100.00 bills loaded on wooden pallets from over a dozen 18 wheelers.The pallets are then forklifted into the back of C-130 Hercules cargo planes and air lifted to Bagdad,Iraq.
This tidy sum is then given to... well as Don Rumsfield's favorite phrase "who knows?"...AS verified by Bush's viceroy Paul Bremer's testimony last week to the senate committee that there are no accounting records to whom are where this money went to.
All we know is that it was loaded on the back of pick-ups by unknown Iraq's and dissapeared.
How much more money[8 billion per month] of taxpayer dollars..but far more,how many more American lives? how many more destroyed families? how many more lies from this administration is enough?

5:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say WOW look at the leadership and party Americans have elected to run this country! Are we in trouble or what? Be "Politically Correct", fight a war humanely,elect and appoint far left wing democrats to run this country. Bail everyone out except the citizens of this country. Give amnesty to 12 million illegals for breaking our federal laws. Give me a break. ameericans have become a stupid people

3:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

----------JUST A THOUGHT----------- The old saying, "The South Shall Rise Again" will be proven true. the day of the new Confederacy will come sooner than later. The socialist have a fast track to a dictatorship as of Jan.20,2009. So,if you voted for Obama,you asked for it.IF NOT KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY.....

3:12 PM


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